Access Keys:

Lisnagelvin Nursery School, 48 Richill Park, L'derry


Eco-Schools is the world’s largest environmental education programme. The aim of the initiative is to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of a school. Eco-Schools extends learning beyond the classroom and supports school communities to develop responsible attitudes and commitment to environmental awareness.  It is an ideal way for schools to embark on a meaningful path to improving the environments of their schools and their local communities and of influencing the lives of children, school staff, parents and the extended school community.

The children, parents, staff and Governors are extremely proud of our outdoor environment at Lisnagelvin Nursery School. It has won many Best Kept Pre-School  awards over the years and in May 2024 we have  achieved our Eco-School Green Flag Status.

Here at Lisnagelvin Nursery School we believe that children’s lives should be filled with wonder, discoveries and adventure.  The  children play outside daily so they can get to know and love nature. We enjoy sharing the yearly cycle of the seasons while observing the children’s  interest and pride in nurturing their environment.


Our School Eco-Code is:

Eco Elvin is my name

Come and play my Eco Game

Outside and inside

Away we go!!!


The Eco-Code introduces the children to a character called Elvin who will be visible indoors and outdoors in the nursery.  Elvin will take the form of a super hero who will encourage the children to engage with and take ownership of the Eco Schools Programme in a fun age appropriate way for example turning off the taps to save water, using the brown bin to recycle food or turning off the lights when they are not needed.

The Eco-Schools programme  engages the children's awareness, knowledge and understanding of how they can contribute to the development of an Eco- friendly environment. Eco learning opportunities are embedded in our nursery school curriculum through play experiences both indoors and outdoors.

27th Jun 2024
We were awarded our Eco-Flag! A big congratulations to all our Eco Heroes.
7th May 2024
22nd Mar 2024
We are beginning to see signs of Spring.  We are picking up the litter, finding...